Generally, it takes me 10-15 mins by train plus 8 mins by walk from the city to my place. Today 3PM, my adventure spirit prompted me to try different transport. I spent one hour to wait for the bus which its timetable said bus comes every 8 to 15 mins. I got off after 30 mins and ...... it was a wrong stop!
Although I always have a map in my cellphone and it really looked like I was around my place, I spent more than one hour walking home. Hmm...... seemed my map and I just couldn't understand each other.....
好吧,最後等到了也到了下班尖峰時刻,搭了半個小時的公車,算算時間也該差不多到了,看看路邊的風景看起來也都差不多,還挺像我家附近的風景....索性按了下車鈴,成了我不幸的開始= =。下車之後往前走了一小段路還沒有發現不對勁,我一直以為我走在我家前面那條路....就這樣過了幾個路口,突然驚覺不對勁!!這是哪裡!!??嗯....看看時間....也不過就是四點半....應該走走看可以到家吧,真的很像我家附近。
Anyway, I finally arrived home by 6PM! (I should arrive home before 3.30PM if I took train as usual.....)
By the way, I went to swim this morning, had an adventure this afternoon and washed my car after I was back. EXHAUSTED!!!
時間一分一秒流逝.....附近也沒有人類經過.....,突然想起還好我手機裡面有存我家附近的地圖!!拿出來看.....,嗯,看起來不會很遠.....,我走了一個多小時= =......因為地圖看不懂我....一直帶我往反方向走啦!!!.......嗯,最後回到家是"傍晚六點"。如果我搭火車就好了........(下午三點半之前會到家= =)